Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween's Controversy

The ban of Halloween costumes at Leon M. Goldstein High School because of Walter Pertryk is lame. Yes, I can understand them getting upset because of history about what Adolf Hitler did to the Jews, but it was just a Halloween costume. He wasn't trying to take his side or anything. That's what's fun about Halloween, you can dress up like anything, people wouldn't have made up that holiday if you couldn't, and if their taking away the fun at Leon M. Goldstein High School. I would protest against it also. 

Monday, October 27, 2008

Invisibility Cloak

If I was invisible I would travel all around the world and see all the destinations that I have always wanted to see, and the good thing is, I wouldn't have to pay anything. That would be awesome, but there are disadvantages. Nobody will see me, and I would miss talking to my family and all my friends, and I can't do that if they don't notice me. So I would want to change back, real real soon!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


My worst memory happened on December 24, 2004. It was Christmas Eve and I was having a great day til' about lunch time. We were just about to have a family lunch, when we got a phone call. My mom answered it, and I seen this look on her face, then she went to her room. Whatever it was, the look that she made, wasn't good. Me and my sisters was still getting ready to go to my "meme's" house. Then my mom called us all in her room. "Oh No, I knew this wasn't good."
My mom told us that my dad had been in a horrible car accident early that morning, and from the looks of things, they weren't sure if he was going to make it or not.  
A couple of hours later we got our stuff ready, and we headed to Amarillo to go see him, which of course we didn't end up seeing him til' about 3 that morning. 
The doctor finally came in the waiting area, and told us that we could go in. When I first walked in, he was covered with tubes running in and outside of his body, that was the scariest thing I have ever seen. I hid behind the door, and started crying. This was the worst feeling I have ever felt in my life. My mom kept trying to get me from behind the door so that he would know that I was there, but I never did. I just went back to the waiting room. 
This all happened because my dad was coming home late from visiting my grandpa and he was drinking. He ran into a canyon and flew out of the sun roof. I thank God that there was somebody a couple of miles behind him, because if he wasn't, my dad would not be alive today. 
To this day, my dad still has problems with his hip, knee, leg, there is always something new everyday. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


As you all know...we aren't allowed to have an actual bonfire this year which sucks, but there are a lot of different ways you can use to make it fun still. This year we are doing a big parade/pep rally, but another thing that could start a new tradition is to have a big powder puff football game on thursday. Girls want to get tough and mean with each other to, so we could have a game for girls on thursday and the guys of course, would play on friday, and the whole town or community will be there to watch, but afterwards you could still have a little get together, and have a small pep rally. Some kids think just because we aren't having a bonfire that the fun is over, but there are a lot of different things that you could do to make it fun. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I Wish...

I wish there were a law that banned alcohol all over the world. This would be a good law because there wouldn't be as much car accidents, no under age teenagers getting hurt. Most of the teenagers wouldn't know how to act if it was banned. They would have never tried it if they weren't trying to fit in, in some kind of way. I think that drinking alcohol or getting drunk, is a stupid way to have fun.